Sunday, November 21, 2010

Did some bearing work today...

We decided to tackle the lower bearing on the steering stem today.  The first thing we did was take it to the local Yamaha dealership, of course no technician was working that day!  So one of the guys there tried using a hammer and punch (we also tried that), but all he managed to do was make the roller cage come off.  So back home, I pulled out the Dremel with a reinforced cutting wheel on it.  I cut most of the way through the bearing, tapped it with a hammer and punch, and it broke loose and came off really easy!  I will take it back and have them press the bearing on though, it will just be easier.

Like I said before, we received the bearings for the bike, but instead of the swing arm bearings we received rear wheel bearings.  So in the meantime, we decided to go ahead and install the bearings into the linkage.

I used a set-up I found on the internet to press the bearings in.  It is basically a continuous thread bold with a couple washers, one of which just fit into the hole allowing us to get the bearing flush.   Worked really well, I was surprised!

Be sure to grease it real good!!

Now to apply a little pressure with the homemade press.

 Install the dust seals...

And the final product!  Ready to be installed and hopefully never cut out again!

Now its just a waiting game for the swing arm bearings, and then we will be able to install the engine and swing arm.  Make it start looking somewhat like a motorcycle again!

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