Monday, November 15, 2010

Top end done!

UPS guy was kind enough to deliver some engine parts for us a couple days ago!  Now that we have all of this we can start the top end rebuild.

Upon opening the package, I found out that I forgot a rubber grommet that goes on the left HPP valve.  Order that and now that we got it in, we completed the rebuild of the top end.  Justin had fun doing it, seeing what the internals of the engine look like and learning how to use a torque wrench in the process.

Everything felt real tight on the bottom end, therefore I didn't worry about pulling the two halves apart.  That would have been an adventure all by itself, glad we didn't have to do it!!

Top end removed, new piston and seal installed

Justin lubing the HPP valves

And the finished product...and just by feel, it has way more compression than before.

Bearings for the bike were shipped out today, so once we get those in we will start doing a little assembly work.  Justin and I are ready to see it start coming together!  We should have the motor, swing arm, and front end installed on the next post...I hope!

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