Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Another step forward...

We took the swing arm to Vic at VORFAB, here in Mountain Home, to have the bearing sleeves pressed out.  Vic has done some work for me on one of my other vehicles, and does an excellent and quality job...anyways...he got them pressed out, and for only $10 at that!  That price is probably waayyy cheaper than I would have got a the local Yamaha stealership.  Here is the result of them being taken out, needs a little clean up, but all in all it looks good.

I also went and took everything off the swing arm and cleaned it all.  The chain adjustment blocks took some work to get working good.  Finally have them where they screw all the way in and out (like I think they should be at least).  All in all it turned out really nice, just need bearings now.

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