Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Progress on the bearings

Justin and I went out today, de-greased the frame and washed it off real good...tying to get it ready for paint.  Just need to have it sand blasted now.

We managed to get the bearings out of the shock link, by first using a brass drift punch for one side and a homemade bearing press for the other.  I had my doubts when trying to get the first side out, the lip of the bearing kept breaking off, but with some persistence it finally came out.  The homemade tool made it super easy to get the other side out. Here is a pic of the tool.

The tool is made from a continuous thread bolt, a 1 1/4" pipe, a socket, washers and 2 nuts.  The oversize pipe is used to catch the bearing when it comes out and to act as the other side of the press.

Also in the picture are 2 races and 1 bearing.  They came out of the steering stem neck.  We are going to have to take the steering stem and swingarm to have the bearings pressed out.  The swingarm bearings are too corroded to be able to press out with what we have at home.

Until next time!

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