Friday, September 10, 2010

The beast is out!

Well after taking the hammer to it a few times, I realized that the 1/8th of movement wasn't what I thought it was.  I was looking at the space on each side where the frame fits into.  So...realizing that the bolt will be changed out anyway, I decided to go ahead and hack-saw it off.

Didn't take more than a couple minutes each side, and once I had the link out, the bushing inside just fell out with the remainder of the bolt.  The link cleaned up nicely, now just to figure out how to get all the bushings/bearings out of the links and swing arm.

I bought a continuous bolt with a bunch of washers and a 1 1/4 pipe that I'm going to make into a bearing puller/press...hopefully it works.  Got the idea from a post on a website, although I can't remember which site it was...I can't take credit for the idea.

Tomorrow we clean the frame and get it ready to be media blasted then powder coated...

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